Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A story about a dog

Listen to the story, and be prepared to tell your classmate. How is this story different from the one your classmate tells?

Oh and here's a little something for when you're done:

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Playing tricks with your eyes

Look what I found out there on the net this week!
Probably best to view this one in full screen (there's a lot to read), and can someone PLEASE show me where the dolphins are?

As ever, Enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Since we were telling stories about when we were very young....

Here's a story I found about a "magic moments" in our lives.
As you listen (and, I hope, enjoy), see if you can recognize when the guy is telling
the story, when he's commenting and when he is setting the scene (giving background).
Here's hoping you have as much fun with it as I did...

As ever,
He with the gray beard

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Not much to offer this week, but....

Sorry , I couldn't resist!

Oh, and BTW, here are a few odd pictures. This is pavement art at its best!

This one the artist calls Baby food:

This is what it looks like from behind:

This one he calls Girl in a pool:

From one end:

and from the other:

This one is fairly obvious, but it's also all fake:

And finally, I wonder how long it took him to draw this:

As ever,

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Monday, November 3, 2014

An angora miracle

Hi everyone,

Listen to the story. Be prepared to tell your classmates. How is your story different from your classmate's?

Oh, and here's something else -- strictly for informational purposes (I'm telling you, the things people send me over the net!)

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Hi everyone,
What's this about? prepare to tell yor classmate from memory.

Oh, and here's a little extra. Enjoy another useless tidbit of information.

As ever,